
Integration streamlines in-home peace of mind


The advances of technology have meant a dramatic rise in the amount of devices we use in our homes. In fact, the European smart home market is expected to grow to USD 39.6 billion by 2025 [1].


This ranges from entertainment to practical everyday tasks like drawing curtains and dimming lights. But perhaps the most useful are those that allay our base fears around security in the home. Alarms, security cameras, and access systems are becoming increasingly popular as people strive to make their homes a secure and comforting haven – even within the context of their busy lives. Hikvison has a range of smart devices to provide that in-home peace of mind – and they can all be controlled from one place.


Too much of a good thing

With multiple devices comes a variety of different controlling mechanisms – usually one for each device separately. Remember the days when you had only one remote control for your TV, for example? Now you could conceivably have four or five for your entertainment system – TV, sound system, DVD player, satellite box, etc. This is a kind of 'tipping point' - when technology advancement can cause frustration, rather than making your life easier.


It’s this frustration that's led to the popularity of systems that bring various elements of the home together. These range from smart speakers that allow the family to play music in different rooms, to apps that control lighting. And then there are the 'digital assistants' that can bring a number of IoT devices together all over the home.


Imagine being able to do this for your security. A central indoor station can provide access to all your alarms and security cameras. And this can also be available on an app, so you can verify alarm alerts even remotely. Add to this the ability to control your access point – ie front door – and you start to see how an integrated security system can provide great peace of mind, rather than adding multiple 'interfaces' to your daily life.


All-in-one Indoor station


Hikvision's All-in-one Indoor Station provides a central device to be able to manage a homeowners CCTV, access control, alarm and intercom technologies. It has a range of functions allowing the user to keep an eye on all of these devices, giving them a holistic overview of their home security. 


If an intruder sets off an alarm, the system can provide a video 'footage' clip from an adjacent camera, thanks to smart linkages. They can see this on the pre-installed HikConnect app too, with added functionality of zooming in and out on the image, and fisheye mode for relevant cameras.


text over image847
  • Hikvision’s All-in-one Indoor Station provides a central device to be able to manage a homeowners CCTV, access control, alarm and intercom technologies.
  • Apart from students in the classroom, interactive flat panels can also connect remote students

The front door is usually where the home starts – and where the peace of mind also needs to begin.  The All-in-one Indoor Station allows users to see who is at their door, and even let them in with the click of a button below the screen. This works too if they are using the app – so they can let someone in remotely once they have been able to verify their identity using the door intercom camera. Intercoms can also be fitted with two way intercom – which means the user can have a conversation with the visitor, either through the Indoor Station or their app. This is particularly useful in a world of multiple deliveries encroaching on busy lives!


Open and simple to install

The story for installers is great too. The Android (v10) base of the device means its open architecture, so adaptions and 3rd party software can easily be integrated. The user experience is continually being improved, making it intuitive – both for users and installers. The fact that this means they don't have to install multiple devices to manage an in-home solution saves them a lot of time and cost. 


Alongside the HikConnect app is Hik-ProConnect – an app designed for installers to be able to manage and configure devices remotely. This also streamlines their aftercare efforts, with a wide range of activities being possible remotely, once they have their customer's approval to do so. 


While technology enters our lives an increasing levels, the smart money is on the methods of bringing disparate technologies together. Open platform architectures and platforms mean more and more devices will be able to talk to each other. This is the beginning of the world of advanced IoT, where we start to really see the benefits of smart connected technologies in our homes. No more scrabbling behind the sofa for a remote!


Find out More

To discover more about the Hikvision All-in-one Indoor Station product, please follow the link here.


[1] Market and Markets European Smart Home report

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