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    What is thermal imaging technology?

    thermal imaging technology

    Thermal radiation appears on the electromagnetic spectrum and features longer wavelengths than those of visible light. It is therefore generally invisible to human eyes.

    But any object with a temperature above absolute zero emits a detectable amount of radiation. The higher an object’s temperature, the more radiation, or heat, that is emitted. Dzięki wykorzystaniu różnic temperatury między obiektami kamery termowizyjne sprawiają, że niewidoczne promieniowanie cieplne staje się „widoczne」 w postaci stref ciepła.

    Advantages of thermal imaging

    thermal imaging camera

    Unrivalled adaptability

    The image reproduction of thermal cameras is not affected by lighting conditions – either extremely low light or even no light at all. And compared against visible light imaging, thermal cameras excel at overcoming weather conditions such as fog, smog, rain, and snow, so that they can work in virtually any environment, anytime.


    Video content analysis

    Thermal imaging offers an intrinsic advantage for video content analysis (VCA) – it renders objects with clear outlines that stand out against their background, even at great distances. Users can easily set up VCA rules to detect events with high accuracy – events such as line crossing, intrusions, and entering or exiting a predefined region.

    Thermal imaging applications

    Ochrona granic

    Fire prevention

    Temperature measurement

    perimeter protection thermal cameras

    • Superior Environmental Adaptability

    Thermal cameras are capable of capturing images all day and night, regardless of environmental factors.


    • Extended distances
    Compared to optical cameras, thermal detection covers greater distances and requires fewer devices to install.


    • Better visuals
    With thermal cameras, you can easily discover objects and potential risks otherwise invisible to conventional cameras. 

    perimeter protection thermal cameras

    • Temperature anomaly detection
    Thermal cameras can detect abnormal temperatures in key areas and trigger timely alarms to prevent fires.


    • Dynamic fire detection
    In areas where a fire has ignited, thermal cameras can help detect it in the early stages using a dynamic fire-detection algorithm.

    perimeter protection thermal cameras

    • Heat distribution display
    By producing a visible, heat-distribution image in real time, thermal cameras can be very useful, helping industrial parks easily locate problematic areas.


    • Non-contact temperature measurement
    Thermal cameras perform non-contact temperature measurement. Users can keep their operating equipment up and running throughout the inspection process, which helps technicians work safer and more efficiently.


    Diversified applications

    Obecny szybki postęp techniczny w zakresie technologii termowizyjnych doprowadził do spadku cen produktów termowizyjnych, a także do szybkiego rozwoju ich zastosowań w różnych branżach. Thermal imaging has gradually gone from niche installations to public markets.

    Na tym dynamicznym rynku korzysta się z całej gamy innowacji technologicznych, takich jak czujki, obiektywy i procesory SoC, oraz innowacji w procesach produkcji. Thermal products are rolling out for industrial and handheld temperature measurement, driving assistance, and medical services, or as peripherals on drones and smart phones. 


    Intelligent products

    The popularization of AI technology in recent years has also promoted technological advances in thermal imaging, as more and more deep-learning-based thermal applications become available.

    Creating deep-learning algorithms for smoke and fire detection, and vessel identification, Hikvision is pioneering the fusion of thermal imaging and AI 


    Fused technologies and smart linkage

    Bi-spectrum image fusion combines features from both thermal and optical images to create a unique hybrid image that provides extra details for users in the pursuit of high resolutions and smart applications.

    Inteligentne połączenie dwuzakresowych kamer termowizyjnych z kamerami IP pozwala uzyskać w jednym systemie zalety obu tych rozwiązań. Kamery termowizyjne zapewniają precyzyjną analizę obrazu, na którą nie wpływają warunki atmosferyczne, a kamery IP oferują funkcje nagrywania obrazu w rozdzielczości HD i rozpoznawania twarzy, które pomagają w prowadzeniu dochodzeń.

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